Nov 20, 2023Liked by zach.dev

Bit late to the party, but in the American context, isn't a city like Boulder kind of like Fitopia?

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Not consciously designed that way but it certainly feels like it when you're on Pearl Street ;-)

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Love the platform vs product dichotomy...and wrt the latter, exclusive gated communities start to sound more like the product description you lay out. They're certainly smaller scale, more limited in scope, usually marketed at least in part via their exclusivity, etc, etc.

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Not allowed in fitopia :pensive:

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consider filing an appeal for your application ;-)

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Thanks for the insight, Zach. This analogy explains the difference I see between the ZEDEs Próspera and Ciudad Morazán. As you say, Próspera is a platform. In contrast, Morazán is a product for light industrial companies, their workers, and the small businesses that serve them. Although the central values of security and reliable infrastructure can appeal to other demographics, like digital nomads, the vision and strategy are very specific. However, unlike Fitopia, this is a more scalable product because of the size of the market.

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Hi Joyce, thanks for clarifying the distinction with an example.

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Great post! I'd love to live in Fitopia on day

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